Monday, 13 April 2009

Interview: Mark Thompson

Name: Mark Thompson
Titles of works:
Homeless Badger Rumages in a Margate Bin
Car Park
Wind and Water
Margate Harbour 2007
Tea and Sandwiches at Walpole Bay Hotel

Where do you live? Birchington on Sea.

When was the work that's in the show taken? The pictures where taken between summer 2007 and a few months ago.

What were you doing in Margate that day? Just enjoying myself , taking a walk or a bike ride along the coast!

What made you take the pictures? If I see something I like or if it looks unusual, I like to snap it so I have a record of my day and I can relive my walk or bike ride later, I loved the sunshine on the tea tray at the Walpole Bay Hotel after a longish walk round the coast from Broadstairs, I felt I deserved a treat and I wanted to remember the good feeling, that picture always reminds me of a great day.

Why did you put them/it in the Margate UK flickr group? Because flickr is about sharing and connecting with people and that's what I wanted to do!
Have you exhibited before?
No... Scary isn't it!
How have you found being part of Glimpse 2009?
It's fun, its exciting, its great to meet up and put aface to an avatar and I sold a picture on opening night! How could it be better?
What do you think about Margate?
Margate has so much going for it and so many good people care about it that you can't help but be totally optimistic about the future. I love it!

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