Name: Jamie Dobson
Title of work: Lido Sands
Where do you live?
When was the work that's in the show taken?
July 2008
What were you doing in Margate that day?
Out walking with my son.
What made you take the picture?
The site was about to be "redeveloped" so i thought id better capture it before it was demolished...it's still there.
Why did you put it in the Margate UK flickr group?
I hoped other people would like it and find it of some interest.
Have you exhibited before?
How have you found being part of Glimpse 2009?
Its been fantastic!.. I've met lots of very nice talented and unpretentious people, and seen some wonderful images of a town ive lived in my whole life. The mix of people involved ranging from professional photographers and artists to lowly enthusiastic amateurs, such as myself, and the strong DIY ethics of the exhibition have been a major part of its attraction. It has changed my whole opinion of exhibitions and I really hope it marks the beginning of a long and successful series of events.
What do you think about Margate?
I've lived in Margate my entire life (38years) and have seen it change over the years,mainly for the worse and mainly due to the cavalier attitudes of successive, unimaginative ,short sighted and out of touch councillors (tory and labour) and greedy developers. I'd really like to see the politics taken out of town council (what a ridiculous idea!) and instead see a group of people take control who actually care about the town, its history, its architecture,and those who live in it. I never tire of the stunning beauty of the beaches, and wonderful wide open skies, and now see my own children playing on those same beaches, and i look forward to exploring with them for a very long time to come...
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